Need urgent crisis management or crisis communication?

If you require support for a current public relations crisis, or to know our issues management process in public relations, we will get back to you within 24 hours if you fill in this form or call us on (02) 9688-3325. Read More

The Importance of Crisis Management Firms in Australia

Although it’s never nice to think about your business being plunged into the middle of a crisis, that doesn’t make it any less likely to happen. Faith in an organisation can be lost at the drop of a hat, a badly-written statement can turn into a full-blown crisis within seconds, and a single tweet can cause a business’ share price to come crashing down.

The seriousness of any crisis depends on how well an organisation has prepared for it. As a crisis management PR agency, we can help you get through a crisis with as little damage as possible. If handled properly, it’s even possible to turn a crisis into a positive PR opportunity.

How to Manage a PR Crisis

While it may not be possible to totally avert a crisis, you can reduce its effect to manageable levels. At Pure Public Relations, we can help you do this by:

  1. Preparing for a Crisis

    Organisations that are well prepared for a crisis will deal with it much better. As one of the most experienced crisis management PR firms, we will:

  • undertake a risk assessment to determine potential problems
  • create a crisis management plan with detailed steps for every eventuality
  • appoint a crisis management team to deal with anything that arises
  • set up warning systems so you are aware of potential problems
  • develop your crisis communication and information channels
  • get your business set up to act quickly should a crisis occur, including developing issues management plans, preparing holding statements, and offering media training to key leaders and spokespeople.
  1. Dealing with the Crisis

    Once a crisis takes place, the key is to act swiftly and effectively. We are available 24/7 for issues management and can help you to:

  • implement the crisis management plan and the business continuity plan
  • determine the most pressing issues
  • ensure a unified response, especially when dealing with the media
  • communicate regularly and effectively with those involved
  • help you liaise with journalists and the media, often doing so on your behalf
  • manage internal communications
  • listen to key stakeholders, including social media listening, media monitoring, and ensure responses answer questions and address concerns, misconceptions, and frequently discussed issues.
  • provide additional support where and when needed
  • identify weaknesses in the response and deal with them.
  1. Post Crisis Actions

    Once the immediate crisis is over and most issues are resolved, we can help you recover by:

  • talking to all parties involved to learn of their experiences and views
  • assessing the effectiveness of the crisis management plan and remedying any weaknesses
  • helping with internal communications during the crisis
  • improving lines of communication where necessary.

The ultimate aim is to take lessons from each and every crisis, so that things can be improved for the future.

What Can A Crisis Communications Agency Do For You?

A crisis management team prepares a strategic response for your business in the event of a crisis. Whether sudden or anticipated, having a plan in place ensures your organisation presents a united front in the face of negative press coverage. And it prevents emotionally defensive crisis communication in Sydney.

A strategic plan is a fallback. Every business hopes they never have to use it, of course, but just like risk assessments and insurance, it’s far better to be ready in advance than to regret in hindsight.

But more than preparing for a just-in-case scenario, a crisis communications agency can turn negative press coverage into a positive opportunity. With an experienced team leading the way, your business can emerge from a crisis in a stronger position than before.

Do You Need A Crisis Management Plan?

Not every business chooses to prepare for a crisis. For some, day-to-day business to-do lists can be challenging enough that they don’t even consider the value of crisis communication in Melbourne.

Until a crisis hits.

We’ve all seen or heard of businesses that were flying high until they made one mistake.

Sometimes, just one is all it takes.

And then share prices crash. Consumers protest. Sales slow down. Social media blows up. Staff are bombarded. Customers consider leaving. And the longer it goes on, the harder it becomes to undo the damage.

Those that do recover, work with a highly skilled crisis communications agency.

Speaking to the media without a clear, unified statement can muddy the waters and quickly turn a manageable crisis into a disaster. Your personalised plan will involve appointing and training people within your organisation to respond professionally to media interest. It builds new lines of communication as well as strengthening existing ones. And it gives you the edge over your competitors.

By working with an experienced, professional crisis communications agency in Sydney - and beyond - you will be in a fantastic position to acknowledge, recover, and grow stronger than ever before.

Why Choose Pure Public Relations For Your Crisis Management Needs?

Many business owners feel they can cross their fingers and hope for the best. Some come to regret that decision.

Pure Public Relations has worked with some large businesses in Australia, but we specialise in small to medium-sized businesses and not-for-profits. We take what we learn from every crisis and find new ways to manage the next crisis. It’s our mission to help all business owners, regardless of size, navigate the challenges presented by a crisis using our wide and varied experience.

Crisis communication in Melbourne is an area of expertise often reserved for large businesses. It’s rarely offered to smaller businesses, but we believe every business should have the opportunity to emerge stronger from an unfortunate situation.

Pure Public Relations offers that opportunity.

We offer our expertise, experience and industry knowledge to help your business recover whether the situation is urgent and time-sensitive, or whether you want to prepare a crisis management protocol in advance for future reference.

Do you have questions about how we can help with a PR crisis occurring now, or how we can make your business crisis-ready? Please call or contact our crisis management team through our online form.

Making Sure You’re Ready For Crisis Management

Crises can be difficult to predict, but it is possible to prepare for them. The very best way to ensure you’re on top of things from the very beginning is to start preparing long before the crisis hits.

Having a plan already in place means that if a crisis does happen, you’ll be able to respond to journalists a lot faster. If your business prepares enough in advance, there’s a chance you might be able to actually receive some positive attention for your impressive handling of the crisis.

Don’t take the risk of letting a crisis cause significant damage to your business. Instead, let our issues management specialists guide you through the process of preparing, responding and recovering effectively. That way, you can ensure your organisation is able to not only survive, but thrive in the face of adversity. Read Less

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Our experienced, trustworthy team can help make a negative situation less stressful.


Specialist management when you need it most

Pure Public Relations offer specialist urgent crisis management and crisis communication, from dealing with media attention through to communicating with key stakeholders and managing threats to your reputation.

Pure Public Relations can help your business or organisation be prepared with a PR crisis plan. To discuss your issues management needs or to obtain examples of issues management in public relations
call (02) 9688-3325 or contact us here.





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